Phoneix​ Fan Fusion 2019

Phoenix Fan Fusion

Whats In A Name?

Despite its second name change in the last two years, the newly named Phonex Fan Fusion looked poised to take over downtown Phoenix in a similar fashion to its predecessors. Comic book fans and pop-culture enthusiasts alike filled the streets of downtown excited for the opportunity to catch up with old friends, show off their cosplay creations or to meet their favorite comic book artist/writers and pop culture icons

 Guest the likes of RAY PARK ( Star Wars, X-Men) , PAUL REUBENS (Pee-Wee Herman / Gotham), KEVIN EASTMAN ( TMNT), TOM KENNY (SpongeBob SquarePants), AMY JO JOHNSON (Power Rangers), JEFF GOLDBLUM (Jurassic Park, Independence Day, The Fly), ADAM SAVAGE (MythBusters), ELIJAH WOOD (The Lord of the Rings) NEAL ADAMS ( Batman, X-Men, Green Lantern/Green Arrow), SUMMER GLAU (FIREFLY), NICHELLE NICHOLS (Star Trek) lead a star-studded group that offered something for everyone from the diehard fan to the casual convention attendee.  Even with all this great media talent, Fan Fusion found itself plagued by the same bug as its predecessors in years past.  Although better, the long lines at Security checkpoints and prop checks remained a constant issue along with understaffing and lack of on-site program support.  .

To prevent overcrowding, Fan Fusion retained its previous layout designating the Exhibitor Hall entirely to vendors and artists, creating a very open and spacious area that they so well perfected when switching to this layout a few years ago. Once again they were able to accomplish this feat by moving the larger photo-op and actor signing areas as well as more vender options to the third floor, appropriately named the Hall of Heroes.  One of the bright spots for me was the number of fun interactive Panels that took place over the weekend. Between the events taking place outside the convention center, the unseasonably cooler temperatures and everything going on inside the Convention Center there definitely was no shortage of things to see or do.

With the convention now over and through some reflection, you can see the areas that Phoenix Fan Fusion has made vast improvements and areas that still need some work. Spending time with all my friends and the bonus of being able to enjoy adult beverages from local breweries was enough to make this one of the better conventions of years past.

4.0 of 5 stars